Beginner Tumbling - Level 1
Tuesday 3:45-4:25pm, January 14-April 4
Service Description
12 sessions total. This course will introduce participants to tumbling, basic floor work, body awareness, and flexibility. Participants learn front and back rolls, cartwheels, low beam work, bridges, and safe landing practice and proper form. The class will introduce handstands, splits, and walkovers. Level 1 is appropriate for the younger tumbler. Age 4+ No experience necessary.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation window is AT LEAST 6 hours prior to class. Late cancels occur when you do not show to a class, and we are unable to give your spot to someone else. EACH spot in class is valuable. If a late cancel or NO SHOW occurs, your class pass will be charged. If you have an unlimited pass, you will be charged for a drop-in.
Contact Details
314 South Main Street, Lexington, VA, USA