SPLIT Cycle 45
45 Minutes, FUSION - Cycle and Gym, High Intensity
Service Description
SPLIT your time between the bike and the floor. This high intensity workout is designed to keep heart rate in the sweet spot with challenging cardio and strength intervals to create the max benefits for your body and a burn long after class is over. [45 mins; 20 minutes on the bike, 25 minutes in the gym]
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation window is AT LEAST 6 hours prior to class. Late cancels occur when you do not show to a class, and we are unable to give your spot to someone else. EACH spot in class is valuable. If a late cancel or NO SHOW occurs, your class pass will be charged. If you have an unlimited pass, you will be charged for a drop-in.
Contact Details
314 South Main Street, Lexington, VA, USA
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